Busy, busy! No time for rest! Gotta get this kid caught up with the rest.
The 2007/2008 school year was a very busy one for Laurance and I. He just completed his 5th and final year of elementary school. He will be going into middle school next year, yet he still sits at a mid 3rd grade level in math. This does not have to be except that TUSD in its infinite <choke!>
During his 1st and 2nd grade years his development with his reading and math skills was at par. At the end of his 2nd grade year he was going into a literature program, and they had introduced him to division. He was the highest functioning child in his class. When he started at the other school they did nothing to expand upon the skills he had already developed. At the end of his 4th grade year he was at a beginning 3rd grade level in math, and he was meandering through language arts. They would put work in front of him that they knew he could complete without any direction, and would not challenge him, but would at best keep him busy for a few minutes. The school did very little to work with me, and they blamed me for his digression. The teacher refused to listen to me, and she would not implement any of my ideas. In the end Laurance suffered.
I removed him from there at the end of his 4th grade year, and thank God I did. I placed him into a better school that was closer to our home. His teacher and I were on the same page with his education. I showed her a stack of work that he had done from the year before, and she agreed with me; the other school had not done their job. The two of us worked together as a team. She would put forth the education plan, and I would have to approve it. She would send work home and state the expectations clearly. I would implement various tools to help him accomplish the task. For instance, he was expected to take 10 words, write them 3x each in alphabetical order, and use each word in a sentence. However, he had difficulty understanding how to alphabetize the words. He knew his ABC's, so I got the idea of writing each word on a flash card. This helped to provide a visual effect, and gave him better understanding on how to alphabetize words. Toward the end of his school year he no longer needed the flashcards.

By the end of the year he was at par in language arts, but he had only gained 6-months in his math skills. So, what does that mean? Laurance's Summer vacation, is not going to be much of a vacation. We are working on building his knowledge of division and fractions. This is a feat for me even with a masters degree, because my knowledge of fractions is challenged at best, completely lost at worst. That's all right, that's all right! We will be okay. I will refresh my math skills and be the smarter for it.
I'll keep everyone posted on the results....
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